Thursday, September 17, 2015

Mental Workout - Chicago Marathon Training

 Last night it was 90 degrees here at the beach at 8pm!!! I knew I had an 8 mile tempo run in the morning but was not feeling it. I texted my coach Mike Cornelison and told him it was hot and we were still under an extreme heat advisory. His response was "just take it easy tomorrow, you are in race shape, no worries, if you want, run some just easy then do weights, no set distance or pace, make the best of it." Now you would think this would make me happy, ease my mind right? Nope....

I started thinking about it and thought, ya I can run the 26.2 miles but if it is hot and muggy in Chicago what then? I can't ask my coach for an easy day. So this morning I got up, it was hot and muggy out all night, and did my tempo run, all of it, at the pace my coach had originally set for me! I ran on my treadmill which is outside under my courtyard roof and believe me, it is hot out there. You step out of my yard into the open and it is easily 5-10 degrees cooler. I was a bit uncomfortable but I placed pitcher of water in one of the slots to dunk my Buff in to keep me cooler. 
I just kept picturing myself at the marathon feeling great and happy. I can do this, I kept repeating it over and over and ya know what? I did do it, and I feel not only great, not even tired, but proud of myself for facing something I thought I could not do. Just another step in finding my strong!
11:50 pace 8 miles 1:34 time

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